Super Exciting Day!

Yesterday after a good run at my parents’ gym (on an unfamiliar treadmill that I did not like), my dad and I went on a bit of an adventure to his running store, North Wales Running Co. in an effort to try on some Project Pure shoes.  Before I talk about the shoes, I have to say how impressed I was with the North Wales Running Co.  My dad has been there a few times before (that’s where he picked up his Project Pure shoes) but this was my first time.  What a great experience–friendly and very knowledgeable staff.  Plus they host two free running groups a week–I’m definitely going to take advantage of them when I’m home for spring break and if I’m home this summer.  Even though there are two other running stores closer to my parents’ house, it’s easy to see why Dad is willing to go the extra distance to visit this store!  If you live in the Greater Philly area and you need a running store, you should check them out.

Anyway, the shoes: I didn’t think that they were going to fit…but they totally did!  However, I decided not to buy a pair for two reasons: 1. I just bought a new pair of shoes and 2. They’re only available in this not so pretty aqua color.  I’m officially holding out for pink Project Pures.  Hear that Brooks?  WE WANT PINK SHOES.  (Side note: I love using the royal we on occasion).

So, I skipped out on the shoes, but my super awesome Dad (who’s training for an Ironman in October!) bought me a new running toy: a Garmin Forerunner 210!  This watch is amazing–it tracks my heart rate, mileage, pace, etc.  I’ve been spending a lot of time running inside on a treadmill because I have a hard time figuring out how far I go when I’m outside because I’m terrible at estimating.  Now I won’t have to!  My Dad is awesome–he’s my number one fan for all things, but especially running.

Sunday’s mileage: 3.5 miles

Total miles completed in 2012: 66.25

Miles to go for the year: 933.75

That puts me at 20.5 miles for the last week.  I think I’ll again aim for 20 for this upcoming week–it’ll be another crazy one.  I’ll be driving back to school tomorrow, then in training all day on Tuesday, and then spring semester classes start on Wednesday.  This means I’ll probably have a tough time getting everything done that I’ve been planning.  Besides, 20 miles a week is what I need to be on track for 1,000 for the year.  I’m a few off because of the late start but I’ll make it up over the summer when I’m ramping up for the Labor Day half marathon!

About theaccidentalathlete

Even though I've had this blog since 2012, most of the time the blog has been as inactive as I've been! Trying to change that! I started this blog as a college senior...and now I'm more than a year out of my masters program. I'm a late 20s, engaged puppy mom of two awesome dogs just trying to get back into running.
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4 Responses to Super Exciting Day!

  1. tribenormal says:

    I hear that your dad is super proud of you.

  2. Mind Margins says:

    You’re going to love running with your new Garmin!

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